
Religious Education

At King Edwin Primary School the teaching of Religious Education:


  • Creates religiously literate pupils who show respect and tolerance for the religious views and beliefs of others. 

  • Enables children to make sense of a range of religious and non-religious beliefs.

  • Teaches children the impact and significance of religious and non-religious beliefs.

  • Makes connections between religious and non-religious beliefs, concepts, practices and ideas studied.

  • Encourages children to ask questions, whilst recognising that many questions about religion are difficult to answer.

Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education  
We follow Northumberland County Council's 'Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education 2022-27.' This sets out the statutory programmes of study for each year group from Reception to Year Six. 
Parents & carers have the right to withdraw their child from all or part of RE, however we would welcome the opportunity to discuss any questions or concerns you have about the teaching of RE before you take this decision.