
Wrap-around care

Breakfast club

Breakfast club is available from 8am, Monday to Friday and is charged at £2.50 per session. All children arriving before 8:25am will be offered breakfast. 


After-school provision

This service is available from 3:15 - 5pm Monday to Thursday.


Option 1 - 3:15pm - 4:15pm - £4.50 

Option 2 - 3:15pm - 5:00pm (including drinks and snacks) - £7.00 

Option 3 - 'club (e.g. choir) then wraparound care' until 5.00pm - £4.50

Option 4 - 3:15pm - 3:45pm - £2.00 


After School Club closes promptly at 5.00pm. Any extra time due to late pick up is chargeable and is payable on Eduspot before further bookings can be made.


Help with fees

Parents can receive up to £2000 child per year through Tax-Free Childcare and this can be used to pay for wrap-around care. If you haven't signed up yet, please see this link for more information: https://www.gov.uk/tax-free-childcare



Late collection

We are aware that sometimes there may be an emergency where you are not able to collect your child on time. If this is the case, school must be contacted immediately on 01665 710388. All efforts must be made to ensure that your child is collected on time. 


Any late collections will incur a fee as stated below: 


Late Collections after 5pm - £10 additional fee  


This is to cover the cost of paying staff to stay late to supervise your child. If late collection is persistent, the child’s place will be revoked. Please ensure that you have registered a minimum of two contact phone numbers with school. 

Should it be the case that staff are unable to contact anyone to collect the child after approximately 30 minutes and no contact has been made with school during the day, Children’s Services may be contacted.



All bookings for breakfast and after-school care must be made by 3:30pm on Friday of the previous week. Payment should be made at the time of booking. Refunds will be given if a child is sick or is sent home from school due to illness. Emergency bookings requested during the week will only be available if there is sufficient space and staffing.



We have a strict policy which states that King Edwin Primary School will not tolerate behaviour such as swearing, bullying, fighting, abuse to others or racist and sexist behaviour. Further details of our behaviour policy are available on our school website. Incidents of poor behaviour will be reported to parents and will be logged in school. Should incidents of poor behaviour continue, the child’s place will be revoked.